Speeding Laws in Indianapolis, Indiana: What You Need to Know

Understand your rights when it comes to speeding laws in Indianapolis. Learn about unmanned speed control cameras and how they can be used by law enforcement officials.

Speeding Laws in Indianapolis, Indiana: What You Need to Know

Indiana's basic speeding law requires drivers to always drive at a safe speed, taking into account the actual and potential hazards that exist at that time. In other words, motorists must always drive at a speed that is reasonable and prudent under the conditions. Recently, a new Indiana law was proposed to use unmanned speed control cameras to penalize drivers who accelerate in work areas. Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations and occurs when a person is driving at an excessively high speed.

Under Indiana law, a person can be charged with speeding for driving at any speed “greater than reasonable and prudent under certain road conditions”, even if they are driving below the speed limit. If convicted, they can be sentenced to up to 180 days in jail and have their license suspended for up to one year. The measure aims to stop speeding on road construction sites by authorizing the Indiana State Police to hire an outside provider to set up the pilot program, which will use an automated system to capture speeds and take photographs of license plates. A bill in the Indiana Senate proposes to put a number on the type of speeding that can cause a driver to be considered a misdemeanor.

The law establishing the pilot program begins on July 1, but drivers should see the new technology in about a year. If a law enforcement official has good reason to believe that a motorist committed a crime in accordance with IC 9-30-5, IC 9-30-6, IC 9-30-9, or IC 9-30-15, he can ask the driver to undergo a chemical test to determine the amount of alcohol in the person's body. Except when there is a special hazard that requires a lower speed to comply with section 1 of this chapter, the slowest speed limit specified in this section or established as authorized in section 3 of this chapter is the maximum legal speed. Schools are prohibited from having materials that contain material that is obscene or harmful to minors, as defined by Indiana law. If the Indiana Department of Transportation determines that the structure cannot support vehicles traveling at the speed allowed under this chapter, because of their safety, vehicles traveling at the speed that would otherwise be allowed under this chapter, the Indiana Department of Transportation will determine and declare the maximum speed that the structure can withstand. If you have been charged with a speeding traffic violation in Indiana, it is important to enlist the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. According to the Indiana Department of Transportation, workplace crashes resulted in 31 deaths and 1,426 injuries last year.

A person cannot drive a motor vehicle at a slow speed that prevents or blocks the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when it is necessary to slow down for safe operation or to comply with the law. The ACLU of Indiana filed a lawsuit to block the law on behalf of four transgender patients and a doctor. This means he or she could be paroled for just two speeding traffic violations in Indiana in two years. Penalties for speeding in Indianapolis can be high and can result in license suspension, license revocation, and fines of hundreds of dollars. It is important for drivers in Indianapolis to understand their rights when it comes to speeding laws. Knowing what you can and cannot do when it comes to speeding can help you avoid costly fines and other penalties.

It is also important for drivers to understand how unmanned speed control cameras work and how they can be used by law enforcement officials. At Hessler Law in Indiana, our experienced criminal defense attorneys are here to help you if you have been charged with a speeding traffic violation. We understand how stressful it can be when you are facing serious penalties for your actions. Our attorneys will work hard to ensure that your rights are protected throughout your case.